Student Artifacts and IEP

here is Jayden's IEP at a glance. The teacher let me know that she had not seen his IEP at all since Jayden was placed in his classroom and she didn't have access to it. She let me know that this is as much information that she could give me and i told her it would have to suffice.

In this IEP at a glance, we can see that his primary disability is a learning disability in math and language arts.   The cool thing about this is that we can see the kinds of accommodations that were made when the IEP was chapleted and where he struggled in math and language arts. This is helpful for the teacher because we are quickly able to read  an overview summary of his IEP.

The IEP states the areas that Jayden needs help with. He needs to be able to count to 1-100 without being able to see a number model and he needs to be given an addition and subtraction assessment in single digit numbers . In  language arts  he needs to be able to identify main points of stories including who,what, when , where, and how.

His accommodations are specific to his needs and what he needs in order to succeed in the classroom. It is especially helpful to note that  it states that being in group activities is very helpful to Jayden. I believe this accommodation is very helpful because Jayden is better to work with others than by himself

Artifcact 1 and 2
This is  Jayden's story that he completed  in telling you about a time that he went out. He talks about  a time that he went out and saw a dog. This was a story that is very hard to follow and most of the story was writen by himself,the words that are most legible and understanding are the ones that he used in his hand plan. It is hard to follow along in this story because of the way he spelled out his words.
Here is Jaydens Hand plan. You might be able to follow along 
with his story a little better with this outline. 

Artifact 3
 These are frequency words, which are words that all students in first grade should be able to read quickly. I tested Jayden with these words and he did fairly well at the beginning. I gave him positive reinforcement while taking the assessment and he  got overly confident and towards the last common he got all the words wrong because he stopped trying to read and began to just guess. I was not allowed to give him feed back and tell him to try to sound out these words or try again... and unfortunately had to count these words wrong.

Artifact 4 and 5
Here is the pumpkin  life cycle that the student needed to read then answer questions after about the pumpkin life cycle. I helped Jayden out with this, and answer these questions carefully. When i helped Jayden i helped him also in spelling and told him to use spacing in order for his writing to be more legible.

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