Community & School Context

Jayden is a first grader at Clayton Partnership Schools, which is under Mapleton public schools in the Thornton area. The minority enrollment is 77% of the student body (majority Hispanic), which is more than the state average of 45%.  The school consists of approximately 1% American Indian, 2% Asian, 69% Hispanic, 1% Black, 23% White, 4% two or more races. The school  has approximately 28 teachers, with an almost fifty-fifty ratio of male and female teachers, with approximately 428 students total for their K-8th grade school. The Mapleton School District is currently number on in Adams county  who's student population of 8,408 students has grown by 10% over the last five years.

The school is known to offer Supplemental Education service program under Mapleton, which is helpful to all those students who need any additional help.  The School also offers a program for SPED students, however the school does not have an ESL program. This is problematic for  a school like this because there are so many hispanic  students, most of which are multilingual students. The Academics for Clayton are currently at about  46% proficient in reading and 39% proficient in Math. In 2016, Clayton ranked worse than 64.4% of the elementary schools in Colorado, however they are looking to see improvements in the upcoming years. Clayton's primary program is not separated as a grade, and the teachers don't normally call it as "first grade". Instead the teachers and students call the classrooms by a name that the teacher picked, for example Jayden is currently in Miss Mandell's Jungle classroom. Which is different for  Jayden being  is in Miss Mandell's First Grade classroom. When i spoke to the principal about this, she mentioned that they do not want the children to  see themselves as first graders, and keep it as part of the way the distinguish themselves as a primary program.   As seen on the Mapleton website for Clayton, the first grade is the only grade that does this with their students classrooms.

All over Clayton's classrooms and hallways there are 4 words that each student and teacher must follow:  Responsibility, Perseverance, Integrity, and Compassion. Each one of these words allows for the students to have a  fundamental understanding on what the school  looks for in order for the children and teachers to succeed in classrooms.

I arrived to Clayton Partnership School under Mapleton Public Schools for my first day on Thursday September 1st, 2016. This school is only 10 minutes from my home. There are houses that surround the school  and they are very peaceful looking. There was nothing urban looking about this area, because everything had been modernized.   The school is located on what seems to be a campus, on this campus there is the elementary, middle and high school along with an Anything Library within the campus. The large campus and library conveniently located at the center of the three schools makes  it  easier for the students to have resources right on hand when ever they need it.

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