Adult Interview Information

My first  choice was to interview my Clinical Teacher in regards to Jayden but she said that there was not much that she can tell me since she does not spend much time with Jayden and if I wanted to know more about his learning disability, then my best bet was to talk to Ms. Apodaca his    My clinical suggested that I ask her about Jayden’s family since she knew that Jayden’s mother used to spend more time at the school when Jayden was in kindergarten.
kindergarten teacher.

I approached Ms Apodaca in asking her about Jaydens family life first and asking how his parents deal with his learning disability at home. She said that Jayden’s  parents were super involved in the classroom and were always asking in what better ways they could assist Jayden at home in order for him to do well in the classroom. I then asked Ms. Apodaca how Jayden was as a student  in the classroom and she said he was very quiet  and did not participate much in the classroom. I let her know that it was strange since Jayden is very open in class now and likes to make friendships. Ms apodaca mentioned it could of strongly been due to the reason that Jayden was around people he did not know and they  were always pulling him out of class for his classes with his SPED teacher.  Ms. Apodaca  mentioned that she knew that Jayden responded very well to  positive reinforcement and it made Jayden motivated to do his work.

How was Jayden as a student?
            Jayden was not that motivated in the classroom, until I noticed that he really enjoyed when I  told him how good he was doing in a certain subject. 

How do you think that helped him complete his work?
            I think Jayden was scared of failing, and he was aware that he was not at the pace he was supposed to be learning as other students.So, in me telling him how good he was doing he was able to try harder in class assignments.

How was Jayden in regards of in class relationships with you, and with other students?
            I never really struggled with Jayden, he was a really sweet student, but he was  quiet most of the time around others. Im sure he missed his friendships from preschool or something

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